Friday, March 31, 2006

It would seem the general subject of "V for Vendetta" - denial of the right to be you, the right to free speech, the right to live - may not be so far away.

Enter the SHAC 7. Animal rights activists who are now in jail.


March 03,2006 | TRENTON, N.J. -- Six animal-rights supporters face up to seven years in prison after being convicted of using a Web site to incite threats, harassment and vandalism against a company that tests drugs and household products on animals.

A jury returned its verdict against Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty and six of its members on Thursday after three days of deliberations.

Federal Judge Anne E. Thompson ordered five of them held without bail until a sentencing hearing on June 7. The defendants, all in their late 20s or early 30s, face three to seven years in prison and fines up to $250,000.

The government charged that SHAC waged a five-year campaign against Huntingdon Life Sciences, posting on its Web site information about the lab's employees and those who do business with Huntingdon. The information included their home phone numbers, addresses and where their children attended school.

Many of those people saw their homes vandalized, and they and their families received threatening e-mails, faxes and phone calls.

SHAC, based in Philadelphia, maintained its actions were protected under the First Amendment.

The defendants were not accused of directly making threats or carrying out vandalism. Instead, they were charged with animal enterprise terrorism, stalking and other offenses.

Mike Caulfield, Huntingdon's general manager, said the verdict was "a victory for democracy, research and patients."

"The government and this jury have sent a strong message to those who would ignore the democratic process and resort to criminal activity to advance their political views," Caulfield said in a statement.

SHAC President Pamelyn Ferdin said the jury was fooled by the government's case and the judge's order to remove victims' names and home addresses from its Web site reeked of fascism.

"This is a scary path for all Americans," said Ferdin, a former child star who was the voice of Lucy in the "Peanuts" movies and played Felix Unger's daughter Edna on TV's "The Odd Couple."

"Here is a government, a feckless federal government, who spent millions of taxpayer dollars to wage an assault on all our constitutional rights," she said.

Ferdin became leader of the group in 2004 after its former president, Kevin Kjonaas, and the others were indicted. She was not charged.

Many of the targets of the harassment testified that they started looking over their shoulders when walking or driving, changed their phone numbers or even moved. Some kept their children from playing outdoors, and several bought guns.

Sally Dillenback broke into tears as she recounted an anonymous e-mail that threatened to cut open her son and fill him with poison "the way Huntingdon does with the animals."

Marian Harlos testified she got late-night calls in which someone asked: "Are you scared? Do you think the puppies should be scared?"

She said masked protesters parked down the street from her house, videotaping her comings and goings. They barged into her office, screaming and tossing leaflets, and others ruined the rear door with glue and animal stickers, she said.

original article:

Info on the SHAC 7

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Pope to Join Rosary in Memory of John Paul II
Event to Relive Last Moments of His Life

VATICAN CITY, MARCH 28, 2006 ( Benedict XVI will join the rosary that will be prayed in St. Peter's Square this Sunday night to commemorate the last moments of Pope John Paul II's life.

The Polish Pontiff died at 9:37 p.m. on April 2, 2005. Some 60,000 people had gathered in the square that night to pray the rosary for the dying Pope.

Shortly after, at the end of the Marian prayer, Archbishop Leonardo Sandri, substitute of the Secretariat of State, announced to the world that "our Holy Father has returned to the Father's House."

The crowds, visibly moved, intoned the Salve Regina followed by prolonged applause. Most of the faithful knelt down, many with tears in their eyes.

These memories will be relived with the rosary, presided over by Cardinal Camillo Ruini, the vicar for Rome.

Beginning at 8:30 p.m., the choir of the Diocese of Rome, directed by Monsignor Marco Frisina, will accompany the prayer with Marian songs and the reading of texts of Karol Wojtyla, according to a communiqué issued today by the Vicariate of Rome.

"At 9 p.m., the Holy Father, Benedict XVI, will appear at the window of his study and the holy rosary will be prayed," it added.

During the prayer, passages will be read taken from John Paul II's apostolic letter "Rosarium Virginis Mariae" and other of his magisterial texts.


Around 9:37 p.m., the time of John Paul II's death, Benedict XVI will address the faithful present and will conclude the prayer with the apostolic blessing.

On Monday, a Mass marking the first anniversary of John Paul II's death will be celebrated in St. Peter's Square. Benedict XVI will preside over that Mass at 5:30 p.m.

That Mass is being celebrated on Monday since April 2 this year falls on a Sunday of Lent, which takes liturgical precedence.

In addition, Benedict XVI will remember his predecessor at a meeting with young people of Rome, on Thursday, April 6, in St. Peter's Square.

The pilgrim Cross from Cologne, Germany, will be received, in the context of this year's celebrations of World Youth Day, which will be held at the diocesan level worldwide on Palm Sunday.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Veggies beware!

This is one for the "converts!" I picked up some "Now and Zen" brand "Unribs" at Whole Foods the other day. New product. Must try...

I heated them up in a pan while steaming broccoli. Smelled good. Basic barbeque sauce.

While the texture is lovely, the taste is so much like pork I almost hurled. This one is NOT for long term veggies who have lost their taste for meat.

Maybe it's just me. I've never liked pork.

Monday, March 27, 2006

I think we should follow along...

2 Days of Fasting and Prayer Urged for Iraq

ROME, MARCH 27, 2006 ( Chaldean Patriarch Emmanuel III Delly of Baghdad has proposed April 3-4 as days of fasting and prayer for peace in Iraq.

Auxiliary Bishop Shlemon Warduni read the patriarch's appeal on Sunday, during a visit to the Italian city of Gallipoli.

"We have estranged ourselves from God by our deeds," wrote the patriarch in the message, which was reported by Italian bishops' SIR news service; "we do not obey his will, and we have moved away from piety and virtue, from forgiveness, and because of this the blood of so many brothers has been shed and so many children have remained orphans."

For this reason, the Christian representative said, "we must return, repentant to God's house to do the will of our sovereign God."

"To achieve this sublime objective," the message said, "we invite all Iraqis, in and outside of Iraq, and all believers and people of good will, to prayer and fasting this coming Monday the 3rd and Tuesday the 4th of April, so that the Lord will restore peace, tranquility and security to Iraq, country of our beloved Abraham."
Today, one of my local papers carries this article...

Pursuing healthier bacon through genetic cloning
By Paul Elias

SAN FRANCISCO — A microscopic worm may possess the vital genetic spice to make heart-friendly bacon.

A team of geneticists announced Sunday they’ve mixed genetic material from the roundworm C. elegans with pigs to produce swine with significant amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which are normally found in salmon and other oily fish and believed to stave off heart disease.

Six of the 10 cloned piglets they’ve produced showed increased levels of the coveted molecule, giving researchers hope they can improve the technique in pork and do the same in chickens and cows.

“We all can use more omega-3 in our diet,” said Dr. Jing Kang, the Harvard Medical School researcher who modified the omega-3-making worm gene so it turned on in the pigs. Kang is one of 17 authors of the paper appearing in an online edition of the journal Nature Biotechnology.

The researchers also said their creations can be used to better understand human disease.

The cloned, genetically engineered pigs are the latest advance in the agricultural biotechnology field, which is struggling to move beyond making esoteric products such as soy that’s resistant to weed killers and bug-repelling corn.

Hoping to create healthier, cheaper and tastier products that consumers crave, Monsanto Inc. of St. Louis and its biotech farming competitors like DuPont are developing omega-3-producing crops that yield healthier cooking oils.

Kang said 30 academic laboratories are now working with his omega-3 gene, presumably pursuing similar projects.

“Consumers have responded pretty positively when asked their opinion of food modified to improve food quality and food safety,” said Christine Bruhn, director of the University of California, Davis’ Center for Consumer Research. “Just as long as the taste isn’t altered negatively.”

Earlier experiments have succeeded in manipulating animals’ fat content but most never made it out of the lab because of taste problemsm, though omega-3-enriched eggs produced by feeding chickens large amounts of flax or fish meal are popular.

While boosting Omega-3s doesn’t decrease the fat content in pigs, the fatty acids are also important to brain development and may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. A lack of omega-3 has been implicated in depression and the American Heart Association recommends two or more weekly servings of fish, particularly fatty fish like trout and salmon, which are naturally high in omega-3s.

“There’s a lot of potentially beneficial products that could come from this technology,” said Irina Polejaeva, a top livestock cloner and chief scientific officer of Austin-based ViaGen Inc., which is awaiting federal approval to clone valuable beef-producing cattle.

ViaGen only clones and doesn’t genetically engineer animals, a highly controversial step in the latest work.

It’s one thing for traditional crops like corn to be engineered to be pest-resistant, and people already eat genetically engineered soy beans in all manner of processed food. But biotech companies run into what bioethicists call the “yuck factor” when they begin tinkering with animals.

Federal regulators — and even the researchers themselves — cautioned that meat and dairy products rich in omega-3s will probably not be sold in supermarkets anytime soon. The Food and Drug Administration has never approved food derived from genetically engineered animals and there are high hurdles to overcome. Unlike crops, the FDA treats genetically engineered animals as medicine and requires extensive testing before approval.

“We understand that this research is in the very early stages,” FDA spokeswoman Rae Jones said. “This technology will not likely reach meat counters for many years.”

The FDA is still considering Waltham, Mass.-based Aqua Bounty Technologies’ application to market a salmon genetically engineered to grow faster, the only such request pending with the agency. Aqua Bounty began its federal application process about nine years ago and there is no indication when the FDA will rule.

In the meantime, the researchers of the latest project said they will use their genetically engineered pigs to study human disease, especially heart conditions.

“The paper isn’t about cloning,” said Randall Prather, a University of Missouri researcher and co-author of the Nature Biotechnology report. “We have created a model to study the human condition.”

Sunday, March 26, 2006

I worked my first "Christian vegan activist" function yesterday. Thanks to prayers of support from many friends I was able to make it through the day with a strong backbone. That strenght gave out at about 5am this morning. I had a dream about a woman abusing her cats and my move to intervene. Then I woke up and spent the next half hour in prayer for the many animals in misery right at that moment. I've spent a good deal of today crying.

I think the most difficult part of yesterday was the number of people who told me "Christians just don't care." Several folks told me they were atheists and asked for my help in getting through to their uncaring Christian families. I was given the great grace to resist telling these folks that two of the speakers that day, like myself, were active Catholics. Activist Catholics no less. God bless them.

Sadly, though, there is apathy among all Christian denominations. Rather than focus on that, I was able to offer much help in ways to speak. Even encouraging these folks to go out and get bibles, read the words of the prophets, and use it on their families. In Genesis, we begin as vegetarians. The prophets tell us that when God's Kingdom does come, we will again be vegetarian. Why not start now and show Him we are ready for that perfect world?

I logged on just now to search for more Christian vegetarian resources. I was shocked to find that my blog comes up as the second link if you search Yahoo for Vegan Franciscan. Oy vey - that's a responsibility I'm hoping my friends will continue to pray I have the strenth to carry!

I need some fresh air and a walk right now. God bless you all.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Most curious.

Today I learned that San Francisco and Santa Fe are the number one and number two most vegetarian friendly cities in the US. It was just last month that my SFO friend Franz and his wife Ana came back from Santa Fe and told me it was named for St. Francis. The true name of the city is Santa Fe de San Francisco. Which means the Holy Faith of St. Francis. There are basilicas to the saint in both cities.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Did I mention I went vegan for Lent? I picked up all three of Sarah Kramer's books at Very reasonable. While I was shopping I picked up a pair of Vegan Earth Shoes too. So comfy.


Her recipes are super easy. Minimal in the ingredient department. So many raw food dishes have 20 plus ingredients. I end up leaving half of them out.

Veggie meats are great for a single person. You can slice off or portion out a single serving. Last night I made stroganoff with seitan which is a wheat meat. I hadn't intended to make stroganoff. It just ended up that way.

I had a little seitan left. I thought I'd have it with mushroom and spinach. I put a little olive oil and garlic in a pan. Toasted up the garlic, then added the mushrooms and seitan. I had some "cheese" sauce (not cheese at all but a sauce made from nutritional yeast) that I'd made over the weekend. Ooo, I thought, cream sauce! So I heaped a bunch in. It smelled wonderful so I decided tomato needed to be added. The sauce stuck a little so I added some water. I added a little marinated sun dried tomato and tomato paste.

It took less than 10 minutes and was DELICIOUS! I served it over a single slice of hemp bread.

For those of you looking to lose weight, seitan is a fantastic option! Compare a 3.5 ounce serving of Seitan to Steak: Seitan, 31.5 grams of protein, 157 calories. Steak, 27 grams of protein, 275 calories.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

This past Saturday, I went to see V for Vendetta with a friend. I think I’ve mentioned my love of comic book based movies. Batman, X-Men, Spiderman, Constantine, The Crow. Didn’t care for The Hulk, but it seems few did…

V for Vendetta was true to form. While I’ve never read the graphic novel, I loved the film. Hugo Weaving is amazing. He manages to portray a man who is barely sane. Maybe completely bonkers. Yet, we love him. There was no comical tilt of the head that so many masked characters use to convey that they’re listening. Somehow, you just knew the individual had his rapt attention. How’d he do that??

I had a very vague knowledge of the Gunpowder Plot. I knew some men tried to blow up Parliament. I never knew why or whom until V. I wanted to know more about Guy Fawkes, the very real man behind the comic book hero, after seeing the film. I understand Alan Moore’s story was about the real Guy Fawkes and that the film version held very little in common with his book version.

Guy Fawkes was a Catholic with a cause. A man of conviction. He and some other Catholics set off to blow up Parliament with the hopes of ending Catholic persecution in England. Guy was a former military man, and thus, set in charge of the gun powder. Like Jesus and his 12 Apostles, there were 13 men in all. One of course, would play the roll of Judas. One man sent an anonymous letter of warning to a cousin in Parliament warning him not to attend on the set day. The letter was thought to be a joke by everyone until it made its way to into the king’s hands. The king took it seriously and The Plot was uncovered. Guy, standing guard close by, was arrested. The other 12 fled. 4 were killed at their capture.

Reading over trial transcripts (available online) you get an understanding of his strength of character. Fawkes stood his ground, holding that he and only he was responsible for the plot and that he resolved to die if caught before even beginning. He signed a confession saying as much. When questioning by a council didn’t frighten him – harsh treatment was advised by order of King James himself. Yes, THE King James of the King James Bible. (that's a whole other story...)

After three days of torture on the rack, his conviction slipped. He gave up the names of his compatriots. He was hung, then drawn and quartered. For those of you who don’t know what that means, it’s a long process. A very painful way to go. The victim is hung until he loses consciousness, then revived. He is then strapped to a table where he is cut open from sternum to navel (drawn) then cut across the abdomen (quartered). His entrails would be pulled out slowly, while he’s still alive and aware. Lastly, his heart is ripped from his chest. The highest paid torturers could keep their victims alive long enough to actually show them their own hearts, removed from their chests.

Guy was a martyr for his faith. As a Catholic that means instant sainthood. So why has he never been canonized?

Reading the entry at New Advent – I discovered the accused men are held accountable by Catholics for trying to implicate the church, via the Jesuit priests they turned to for sacraments and for advice. I’ve read the transcripts. They didn’t try to implicate anyone. They stood firm for as long as they could under torture. Many people have misinterpreted the Bible and used it as reason to persecute. Why not accept that these boys misinterpreted the advice they were given?

Catholic persecution went on for centuries. The English hold no punches about their spending centuries burning an effigy and calling it Guy but meaning the Pope.

Canonize Guy Fawkes. Catholic martyr. He’s long over due.

Father in Heaven,
If it be Thy will to recognize Guy Fawkes, your servant, as a saint -
Please put it into the hearts of men to do so.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Last week I learned a friend of mine went veg. It didn't matter how or why to me. Just that she did. Bravo!

However, something she said stuck with me and I chewed on it all weekend.

She's one of those New Agers who runs around in tye dye speaking in a very soft voice. She recently started seeing her own personal guru. She'd been having trouble sleeping so her guru told her to "elevate her vibration by adopting a vegetarian diet." It worked so she's running round telling people they should elevate their vibration by adopting a vegetarian diet.

It sounds loopy so no one will listen to her. I understand the truth of it. But how does one communicate it in a level manner to the spiritually uninformed?

Muscle Memory.

Body builders and grief therapists have scores of data on muscle memory.

It's been documented that some organ recipients adopt traits of the folks who donated organ. A woman who hates bell pepper gets a heart transplant. The man the heart came from LOVED bell pepper. Suddenly this woman finds she can't get enough bell pepper.

Stanford has documented that if we "remember" doing sit ups for a particular period of time, we gain the same benefits as actually doing the sit ups themselves.

What does it all add up to?

America takes a nose dive in clinical depression. New drugs are popping up left and right. Is it genuine depression? Or is it something else? The fact that every piece of meat people are eating is carrying muscle memory of years of torment. Years of sadness. Years of grief and lonliness - life ended in extreme pain and torture. These animals are skinned alive. Some survive even after having their tummies ripped open.

Also rage skyrockets. Click the link below to read about a man who literally died of road rage.

More muscle memory. It all goes back to factory farming. Some of these animals go insane with rage over their confinement. Our response? More torture. Chickens are de-beaked without anesthetic. Other animals have their toes and teeth removed.

And America goes happily along thinking meat is great.

Don't take my word for it. If you're a meat eater, write down how you feel today. Your mood as well as your physical feeling. Then go veggie for a week or two. Chronicle the changes in your mind and body.

Monday, March 13, 2006

“Those people…”

I’ve been vegetarian for about 13 years now. I have often wondered why more Christians aren’t vegetarians. Vegetarian and Vegan lifestyles are humanitarian. We save animals. We save people. We save the environment.

The other night I was out with some Christian friends. Someone asked for Chapstick. I offered up my MerryHempsters Vegan Hemp lip balm. Someone else took out her Vaseline. She made a point of expressing to me that she wouldn’t use hemp products because she didn’t want to be associated with “those people.” Those people. Pot heads. Hemp is eco-friendly. It’s a sustainable resource! The Constitution is written on hemp paper. Hemp is not pot.

But then it hit me. Those people. Christians don’t want to be associated with “those people.” The environmentalist. The animal activist. The tree hugger.

As Christians we’re specifically called to live left of center. So what’s the big deal with associating with others left of center?

It makes no sense! As Christians, we believe in God. God created this earth, all the plants that grow on it, all the critters that move on its surface as well as those that swim in its waters.

Most Christians are aware we’re called to stewardship. Good care of ourselves, our planet, our neighbors. All these things that the Good Lord gave us!

Especially now, during Lent – when we are called to sacrifice, prayer and almsgiving.

Did you know that if America alone cut its alcohol and beef consumption in half we could end world hunger with the extra grain? That’s just beef. Doesn’t talk about how much we could do giving up factory farming all together. The methane gas produced by factory farms, in America alone, does more damage than all the cars on the planet combined. Not to mention the destruction to the environment done by manure lagoons. That’s right folks lagoons of poop doing more damage than the latest oil spill.

Why? We don’t need all that meat. Most of it goes to waste.

So many of us who vehemently speak out about cruelty to dogs and cats think nothing of cruelty to a pig – who is far more intelligent than any dog ever dreamed of being. My own father who refuses to go to the circus because of the cruelty there, thinks nothing of the cruelty heaped upon the cow now resting in his plate.

Approximately 40% of America’s water supply is routed to factory farms. Don’t kid yourself that it’s for the animals. It’s used to clean up waste matter and wash away blood. But not from the tiny cages these animals are housed in.

It is estimated that each vegan and vegetarian is saving the lives of about 95 animals a year. This little effort spirals outward. We have more water to give to the thirsty. Spare grain to feed the hungry with.

Oh, and by the way, Vaseline is a petroleum product. Nothing like putting motor oil on your face. It may seem moist, but it’s actually drying you out more.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Gotta love the Great One...

Pope John Paul II
24 January 2001

Today there is an urgent need for ‘ecological conversion’ to protect not only the natural environment by also the human quality of life

The effort to prevent ecological catastrophe was the subject of the Holy Father's catechesis at the General Audience of Wednesday, 17 January. The Pope reminded his listeners that man's lordship over creation is not "absolute, but ministerial: it is a real reflection of the unique and infinite lordship of God. Hence man must exercise it with wisdom and love, sharing in the boundless wisdom and love of God". Here is a translation of the Holy Father's catechesis, which was given in Italian.

In the hymn of praise (Psalm 148:1-5), the Psalmist summons all creatures, calling them by name. Angels, sun, moon, stars and heavens appear on high; 22 things move upon the earth, as many as the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, in order to give an impression of fullness and totality. The believer, in a sense, is "the shepherd of being", that is, the one who leads all beings to God, inviting them to sing an "alleluia" of praise. The Psalm brings us into a sort of cosmic church, whose apse is the heavens and whose aisles are the regions of the world, in which the choir of God's creatures sings his praise.

On the one hand, this vision might represent a lost paradise and, on the other the promised paradise. Not without reason, the horizon of a paradisal universe, which Genesis (chapter 2) put at the very origins of the world, is placed by Isaiah (chapter 11) and the Book of Revelation (chapters 21-22) at the end of history. Thus we see that man's harmony with his fellow beings, with creation and with God is the plan followed by the Creator. This plan was and is continually upset by human sin, which is inspired by an alternative plan depicted in the same Book of Genesis (chapters 3-11), which describes man's progressive conflictual tension with God, with his fellow human beings and even with nature.

Man is called to continue the Creator's work of life

The contrast between the two plans emerges clearly in the vocation to which humanity is called, according to the Bible, and in the consequences resulting from its infidelity to this call. The human creature receives a mission to govern creation in order to make all its potential shine. It is a delegation granted at the very origins of creation, when man and woman, who are the "image of God" (Genesis 1:27), receive the order to be fruitful and multiply, to fill the earth and subdue it, and to have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air and every living thing that moves upon the earth (cf. Genesis 1:28).
St. Gregory of Nyssa, one of the three great Cappadocian Fathers, commented: "God made man capable of carrying out his role as king of the earth.... Man was created in the image of the One who governs the universe. Everything demonstrates that from the beginning his nature was marked by royalty.... He is the living image who participates by his dignity in the perfection of the divine archetype" (De Hominis Opificio, 4: PG 44, 136).

Man's lordship, however, is not "absolute, but ministerial: it is a real reflection of the unique and infinite lordship of God. Hence man must exercise it with wisdom and love, sharing in the boundless wisdom and love of God" (Evangelium vitae, n. 52). In biblical language "naming" the creatures (cf. Genesis 2:19-20) is the sign of this mission of knowing and transforming created reality. It is not the mission of an absolute and unquestionable master, but of a steward of God's kingdom who is called to continue the Creator's work, a work of life and peace. His task, described the Book of Wisdom, is to rule "the world in holiness and righteousness" (Wisdom 9:3).

Unfortunately, if we scan the regions of our planet, we immediately see that humanity has disappointed God's expectations. Man, especially in our time, has without hesitation devastated wooded plains and valleys, polluted waters, disfigured the earth's habitat, made the air unbreathable, disturbed the hydro-geological and atmospheric systems, turned luxuriant areas into deserts and undertaken forms of unrestrained industrialization, degrading that "flowerbed"—an image from Dante Alighieri (Paradiso, XXII, 151)— which is the earth, our dwelling place.

We must therefore encourage and support the "ecological conversion" which in recent decades has made humanity more sensitive to the catastrophe to which it has been heading. Man is no longer the Creator's "steward", but an autonomous despot, who is finally beginning to understand that he must stop at the edge of the abyss. "Another welcome sign is the growing attention being paid to the quality of life and to ecology, especially in more developed societies, where people's expectations are no longer concentrated so much on problems of survival as on the search for an overall improvement of living conditions" (Evangelium vitae, n. 27). At stake, then, is not only a physical ecology that is concerned to safeguard the habitat of the various living beings, but also a "human" ecology which makes the existence of creatures more dignified, by protecting the fundamental good of life in all its manifestations and by preparing for future generations an environment more in conformity with the Creator's plan.

The Creator is perceived in the beauty of created things

In this rediscovered harmony with nature and with one another, men and women are once again walking in the garden of creation, seeking to make the goods of the earth available to all and not just to a privileged few, as the biblical jubilee suggests (cf. Leviticus 25:8-13, 23). Among those marvels we find the Creator's voice, transmitted by heaven and earth, by night and day: a language "with no speech nor words; whose voice is not heard" and which can cross all boundaries (cf. Psalm 19 [18]:2-5).

The Book of Wisdom, echoed by Paul, celebrates God's presence in the world, recalling that "from the greatness and beauty of created things comes a corresponding perception of their Creator" (Wisdom 13:5; cf. Romans 1:20). This is also praised in the Jewish tradition of the Hasidim: "Where I wander—You! Where I ponder—You! ... In every trend, at every end, only You, You again, always You!" (M. Buber, Tales of the Hasidim [Italian ed., Milan 1979, p. 256]).

L'Osservatore Romano (24 January 2001, page 11)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Well, many fun things to report. Tried getting a photo of my new kitty online. Can't manage to get it uploaded. Will keep trying so you can see his little furry self very soon.

Also, one of my fairly new favorite people is having a birthday. Any Serenity/Firefly fans out there? Wish Captain TightPants a happy one...
  • Happy Birthday Nathan